Sgc – sorority Girls Club

Sgc – sorority Girls Club
RETARDED BOY Attempts TO JOIN THE SGC! Retarded boy gets himself into more trouble with woman's! Hes too mentally challenged to understand that the club hes attempting to join The SGC! -Sorority Doll's Club is for Lady's ONLY! The lady's see hes not all there and decide to have a little fun with him! These snobby brats are so cruel! Cynthia and Zara tell him if he passes their test they will consider his request! Eager to join retarded boy says hes willing to do ANYTHING! Zara snickers as Cynthia whispers something into her could it be? THE GIRLS RIDE RETARDED BOY LIKE A PONY! RETARDED BOY UNABLE TO HANDLE THE PRESSURE OF THEIR COMBINED WEIGHT EVENTUALLY COLLAPSES! CYNTHIA STEPS ON HIS WORTHLESS BODY WITH A VICTORY POSE! TO ADD FURTHER HUMILIATION THE GIRLS EVEN GIVE HIM A WEDGY!